Hi! Thank you for being here.

You could be doing infinite things on the internet right now, yet you are here, reading this page - that’s pretty cool.

I appreciate you!

If you let me, I will ramble on and on about anything (that’s why I have a podcast).

But the purpose of this page is to tell you about my journey with health and fitness, and why I am so passionate about coaching. You can also check out this podcast episode for more on this.

Growing up I played many sports and was an active kid. Soccer was my main sport which I excelled at and trained for the most. My “career” was plagued with knee injuries, and this is where the story begins…


The Knee Surgery…

This was taken in June of 2014. Right before I was heading into a knee surgery. I spoke more about the specifics of the surgery here, if you’re interested.

(Also, this may be the last picture I have of myself before I grew a beard.)

What’s relevant is that for the recovery of this procedure, I was unable to walk for almost 4 months. It would be another 10 months after until I could workout, play sports, and train without restrictions. Not fun.

As you might guess, this led to a lot of sitting around and inactivity.


The Aftermath…

This was me about a year and a half after the surgery.

I was finally “cleared” to train, and equally important, I was mentally ready to get back at it.

Going from someone who identifies as an athlete to someone who can’t move will take a toll on ya…


The Road to Recovery…

Fast forward another two years.

Training is fun again. I’m physically free to do what I like.

I don’t have to worry about my injuries to be able to go to a music festival, or do anything else.

(BTW, for my fellow Canadians, Boots and Hearts was the most fun place on Earth…)

I got back into decent shape. But I was no longer an athlete, and I wasn’t a child.

I couldn’t get away with not caring and relying on soccer to keep me in excellent shape.

I was extremely grateful to be able to move, but now I wanted MORE.


 The Pursuit of Mastery…

I finished my degree in Kinesiology. Enrolled in, and left, Chiropractic College (story for another day).

I began my career as a personal trainer.

I began learning from everything and everyone I could.

I used myself as a guinea pig - testing and tweaking everything I learned.

I fell in love with transforming the lives of people just like you.

The physical transformations have always been amazing. I will never discount that looking lean and strong is a worthy goal.

But it’s always the invisible and intangible growth that is the most powerful.

Present Day

I was told that squatting, playing sports and training hard would be out of the question after my surgery.

I refuse to accept that.

I lost the ability to move for a short period of my life. It impacted me in ways I didn’t think were possible.

It made me incredibly grateful for the ability to move. And I will do anything to keep it.

It was powerful enough to me that I now dedicate all of my time to helping others use fitness to improve their lives.

I want to help you lose those last few pounds, but I’m also thinking about you picking up your grandkids.

I want to help you build some muscle, but I also want you to be able to bathe yourself when you’re 90.

Together we will build the body of a Greek God or Goddess, but also, I want you to be physically free to pursue whatever you want in this life. There are too many amazing things to do, and our physical ability should never get in the way.

And that’s my story.

Your physical health touches every aspect of your life.

You can let it be a burden, or turn it into a superpower.

The choice is yours.

“The best reason to move, is because you can.” - Ido Portal